Winutils Exe Hadoop

  • HADOOP-11003 org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell should not take a dependency on binaries being deployed when used as a library Resolved HADOOP-10775 Shell operations to fail with meaningful errors on windows if winutils.exe not found.
  • Hadoop requires native libraries on Windows to work properly -that includes accessing the file:// filesystem, where Hadoop uses some Windows APIs to implement posix-like file access permissions. This is implemented in HADOOP.DLL and WINUTILS.EXE. In particular,%HADOOPHOME% BIN WINUTILS.EXE must be locatable.
  • Winutils.exe -help Usage: hadoop bin winutils.exe command. Provide basic command line utilities for Hadoop on Windows. The available commands and their usages are: chmod Change file mode bits. Usage: chmod OPTION OCTAL-MODE FILE or: chmod OPTION MODE FILE Change the mode of the FILE to MODE.

I solved this and it worked for me, hope it would help. It's a very small mistake I made - I saved the winutils executable as 'winutils.exe' instead of just winutils. So when the variable gets resolved it's been resolving to winutils.exe.exe which is nowhere in the Hadoop binaries. I removed that '.exe' and triggered the shell, it worked.

Hadoop - Spark on Windows - What exactly is winutils and why ...

Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path (8)

Hadoop - Spark On Windows - What Exactly Is Winutils And Why ...

I am getting the following error while starting namenode for latest hadoop-2.2 release. I didn't find winutils exe file in hadoop bin folder. I tried below commands

Winutils.exe hadoop 3.1.1

Simple Solution :Download it from here and add to $HADOOP_HOME/bin

(Source :Click here)


Winutils.exe Hadoop 2.7

For hadoop-2.6.0 you can download binaries from Titus Barik blog >>.

Apache Spark - Hadoop.dll, Winutils.exe And Multiiple ...

I have not only needed to point HADOOP_HOME to extracted directory [path], but also provide system property -Djava.library.path=[path]bin to load native libs (dll).